
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Googly-Eyed Monsters: Counting and Sensory Play

This Halloween center was a favorite with my students, and took very little prep time on my end.
I filled the sensory bin with water, googly eyes, and scooping props

and drew some monster outlines on pieces of foam, with a number on each one.

Then the students went to work: scooping eyes, counting, and making silly monsters.
This activity was a great combination of using fine motor skills and sensory play to work with numbers and counting.

It was also a great opportunity for me to observe, assess, and work with individual students' current level of number sense. :)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Jack-O-Lantern Feelings

I try to integrate socio-emotional learning into as many activities as possible, because I feel it is such an important part of a preschooler's development. Around this time of year, Jack-O-Lanterns can be a fun backdrop for identifying feelings and exploring what those feelings might look like on a face. Although these faces can be a little silly, giving a name and face to a feeling is a concrete way for young children to practice recognizing these feelings in themselves and others, which is an important part of learning to regulate their own emotions and show empathy to those around them.

I learned a simple song, from the music teacher at my previous school, that I love to use with jack-o-lanterns and feelings:

Pumpkin, pumpkin
Round and fat
Turn into a Jack-o-Lantern 
Just like that!

I made some double-sided pumpkin props that have a plain pumpkin on one side, and a feeling face on the other. I usually have the kids help me to turn over one pumpkin at a time after we sing the line "just like that!" Then we talk about what that pumpkin might be feeling, and I invite them to show me what their own face looks like when they are feeling angry, sad, silly, etc. 

Depending on the day, I might also extend this activity to include a "feelings dance," where the students show what their bodies might look like when they are feeling a certain way, in addition to their face. We could also talk about what kinds of things make us feel happy or sad, or act out strategies for dealing with those feelings. This all depends on the needs and understanding of my class at the time. :) 

I also used felt to make some shapes and pumpkins that the kids could work with to make various faces. The students were usually eager to tell me about their faces, which was a great opportunity for me to observe their use of feeling words. 

I also purposefully cut out the shapes that we have been working on in class to integrate mathematical vocabulary and understanding as well. 

After working with the felt pieces, we made paper plate jack-o-lanterns. I put a little bit of glue into the orange paint so that the students could just stick the shapes on the pumpkin to make their faces. I had some leftover shapes from my Kindergarten teaching days, so we also identified some new shape names like trapezoid and rhombus.

Finally, I always love to support learning with literature, and these are two books that worked well for discussing feelings with this faces and pumpkins theme.  On Monday When It Rained has such great visuals for what feelings can look like on our faces, and Spookley the Square Pumpkin has quite a few different examples of situations that can cause us to feel a certain way, along with a message about choosing to be kind and brave, even if we are feeling sad, scared, or hurt. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Field Trip to the Farm

We went on a field trip to a local farm to see the animals, learn about farm life, and visit their pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful and fun learning day!

Learning about forming metal from the blacksmith


Pumpkin Patch

Let's be honest though, the Halloween hay maze was probably the favorite activity of the day. We went through multiple times. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Book Love: Andrew Drew and Drew

I used this book during our Study of Lines back in September to illustrate the ways that different lines can come together to form shapes, letters, and drawings. It is definitely reminiscent of Harold and the Purple Crayon, but the layout of its pages give it an added element of creativity and surprise. My students loved following the line on the pages to see what new thing Andrew would draw next. This is a fun book, with simple illustrations and text that both inspire and model what is possible to create using a pencil and your imagination.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Teacher Talk: Teaching the Alphabet

In my last Teacher Talk post, I wrote about moving away from a "letter of the week" approach in order to teach the alphabet in an integrated, more meaningful way. Fluency with alphabet letters and their sounds is a vital part of learning to read, so I want my students to have as many opportunities as possible to be exposed to and work with the alphabet. Today I'm discussing some ways that I teach the alphabet in my preschool classroom, without using a "letter of the week."

A Meaningful Context
First of all, my goal is to make the alphabet letters and print meaningful for my students, so that they can make connections, build upon their knowledge, and retain what they are learning. The process of creating a meaningful context changes and evolves throughout the year, depending on the needs and interests of the students. At the beginning of the year, an easy place to start is with student names. Those letters will be very meaningful to the students because their name is a representation of who they are.

Likewise, the names of other friends and family members can also be a springboard for learning. As I was assessing one student's alphabet knowledge this week, he was so excited to tell me the names of family members that went with the letters he knew. What a great example of a student constructing understanding from something that is meaningful to them.

Environmental print provides another starting point, as it is usually the print that children first learn to "read" and recognize. There are a lot of great ideas and resources out there for using environmental print in the classroom.

Finally, creating a "print-rich environment" opens up the door to an endless number of meaningful connections. A few examples are labeling items in the classroom, posting print with student displays, creating a word wall, and integrating print into learning activities.

Routines and Repetition
One way that I make sure I am reinforcing alphabet knowledge every day is by making it a part of our daily routines. While using a "letter of the week" approach takes at least 26 weeks of instructional time to complete all of the alphabet letters without any review time, integrating the alphabet into classroom routines gives students multiple exposures to every letter on a regular basis. I have the flexibility to highlight specific letters that are more difficult (based on student needs), while other times letters are brought up based on a topic we are studying or student interests.

For example, one routine is writing out a short "message" with the class everyday.  I like to do a message about a different student every day so that it is meaningful to the class, but I use the same format each time so that it is also predictable. (Thanks to Pre-K Pages for this specific format idea)

Today the leader is Sara. 
Sara likes popcorn.

There are many different ways I could review alphabet knowledge using this message. Since my class is currently focusing on recognizing and writing their own names, that is what I am emphasizing at this point in the year. The conversation might go something like this as I'm writing:

"Today the leader's name starts with a /s/,/s/,/s/ sound. What letter makes that sound? The /sssss/ sound reminds me of a snake and snake starts with the letter s. The leader's name is spelled S-a-r-a. Do you know who our leader is today? Yes, it's Sara! Let's spell her name together. Sara, can you come underline (or circle) your name in our message? That is an important word, and I want everyone to remember what your name looks like."

Other routines that I use include working with an alphabet chart and "reading" a predictable chart together as a class every day. The predictability and repetition of routines help students to feel capable and successful as they learn and practice these skills.

Individualized Support
My class sizes are small, with only 6 students coming at one time, making differentiated instruction and support very manageable. There are times when I plan to work with an individual or a small group on specific skills during center time, but it's amazing how opportunities to interact and guide their thinking can present themselves during centers and play.

A few weeks ago, I put alphabet letters into the sensory bin with kinetic sand, and observed how the students were interacting with the materials. They brought over some dishes from the kitchen, and began to make "alphabet ice cream." I took the opportunity to follow their lead and interact with them as they eagerly wanted to share their ice cream with me. During that time, one student would tell me the names of the letters in his ice cream bowl, while another kept calling them numbers. This was a great chance for me to do some individualized teaching that was unplanned and yet based completely on each child's current level of understanding.

And of course, I still integrate alphabet knowledge through read-alouds, games, songs, and alphabet learning center activities. I keep my classroom library stocked with literature that supports our current learning topics, as well as alphabet books and other fun favorites.

In addition to all of these strategies, I also check in with the students regularly to track their progress and guide my teaching. I mostly use informal methods of assessment such as observational notes and student questioning, along with a basic alphabet assessment that monitors specific letter and sound knowledge. This helps me to know what letters need to be given more exposure or what students might need more supportive instruction.


Elliott, Elizabeth M., & Olliff, Charleen B. (2008). Developmentally Appropriate Emergent Literacy Activities for Young Children: Adapting the Early Literacy and Learning Model. Early Childhood Education Journal, 35, 551-556.

Fischer, Bobbi. (1996). Moving Beyond "Letter of the Week." Teaching PreK-8, 26:4, 74-76. 

Jones, Cindy D., Clark, Sarah K., & Reutzel, D. Ray. (2012). Enhancing Alphabet Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41, 81-89.

Friday, October 3, 2014


There are so many great topics that can be used as a vehicle for learning in early childhood classrooms, that sometimes it's hard to decide which ones to use. Especially with limited time in a 2-day class, I really try to consider the interests, questions, and experiences of my students as I'm planning themes. So when my students began having a conversation about apples a few weeks ago, and one student was sure that apples were only red in color, I decided to pull out some trusty apple activities.

Since my student had a question about the color of apples, we spent time exploring different kinds of apples. We used real apples and "pretend apples" (pom-poms) for sorting  by color:

The pretend apples also made their way to the kitchen area (completely child-led), where apple washing, cooking, and pie making ensued.

And of course apple painting is always a favorite art and sensory activity:

This year I also tried out a new apple idea using the song/chant "Way Up High in the Apple Tree." I gave each student a colored apple cut-out to hold and move during the chant:

Way up high in the apple tree
Six little apples were smiling at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could
And down came the apples
Mmmm, they were good!

The kids waved and shook their apples during the line about shaking the tree, and then dropped them on the next line. After all the apples had fallen to the ground, we all tried to find a new apple to hold. But before we sang the song again, we played a quick matching game. If you picked up a green apple, then you were supposed to look for another friend that also had a green apple. I would then give the kids a simple command or question to answer with their apple friend like, "show your friend the stem of your apple" or "tell your friend your name."  It worked really well for getting the kids moving and interacting with each other, while also providing another great context for practice with comparing, sorting, and counting.