
Friday, March 20, 2015

More Rainbow Fun

Our St. Patrick's Day activity was a great segue into some additional rainbow play. Here are a few of the favorites:

Rainbow Pasta Sensory Bin
The kids helped in the process of dying the pasta on Tuesday, 
and I set this out for them on Thursday. 
At first they enjoyed feeling the textures and mixing the colors. 

And as often happens with the sensory bin, extra props are brought in.
There was a lot of "rainbow soup" going around. 

50 Bears Counting
It was also our 50th day of school, so we spent some time counting five groups of ten bears, and then made a rainbow to count them altogether. 
Rainbow Pattern Art
We also learned about how the colors of a rainbow go in a certain order (Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue/Indigo- Purple), and everyone created their own rainbow. 

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