
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Gardening Sensory Bin

This month we are exploring spring, and I moved our sensory bin outside so that we could have some hands-on gardening play (without me worrying about getting dirt everywhere in the classroom).

This was a really fun bin to put together, and I found most of the materials at the Dollar Tree, including the potting soil, flowers, gardening tools, and smaller pots. I already had the larger clay pots, and really like the variety of sizes they added. 
Gorilla was an immediate fan, and started playing with it before I was even finished setting it up. 

I was excited to show it to the preschool kids the next day. It was an engaging addition to our usual outside play activities. 

I just love spring! I'm really excited about some of my plans for activities this month. We're going to have some great learning adventures as we explore this season. 

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