
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Color Mixing

Last week the kids were talking on their own at the snack table, and the topic of mixing colors together to make new colors came up for discussion. It's always interesting to observe conversations like this, because it gives me such a great glimpse into their different levels of understanding.  After they discussed it for a few minutes, I joined in and suggested that we learn more about colors and what happens when they mix together. Everyone agreed it would be fun to learn more. I love it when I can prepare activities based on their interests and inquiries!

There are a lot of fun books that explore primary and secondary colors, but today we read a simple one called Mouse Paint. We actually read Mouse Shapes last week, so it also allowed us to make a little text-to-text connection as well.

I prepared some plastic bags with "paint puddles," like in the story, that we could use as we read.

During the story, we pretended like our fingers were little mice feet and mixed up the colors together.
We mixed until we could see bits of the new color starting to form, and then we set the bags out for further exploration and mixing during center choices time.
I also set out some finger paint and white paper to see what other kinds of Mouse Paint color mixing art the students might create.
We ended up with some pretty colorful masterpieces!

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