
Monday, June 6, 2016

Creative Kids Summer Class: Pete the Cat

Today we kicked off our first round of summer classes with one of my favorite characters: Pete the Cat. There are so many fun Pete the Cat books out there now, but we stuck with the classic I Love My White Shoes  for our hour-long class.

If you  aren't familiar with this story, watch this!

After reading the story, we did a life size retelling using bubble wrap and paint.

We wrapped bubble wrap around our feet to act as our "white shoes."
Then we walked along little piles of paint that were the same colors from the story...

..including brown for a big puddle of mud

...and some water tubs for the wet shoes at the end

The water also worked well for cleaning off a bit :) 

We ended up with a fun, big piece of footprint art in the end!

We also used our creativity to think of other things that Pete could step in, and colored his shoes accordingly.

Then we acted out our own version of the story using our new colored shoes and the catchy tune from the story.

1 comment:

  1. Miles had a blast! We are so happy we found your school!!!
