
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Piano Play Summer Class

This month has been a whirlwind of fun, hands-on classes and we finished things off with a session all about the piano.

The Keys on the Piano
We learned about the keys on the piano, and the pattern that they make. 

This inspired some black-and-white piano art.
We also played some games on a large sidewalk chalk piano outside to learn about the names of the keys.
The favorite was throwing the letter beanbags to land on the correct key. 

Rhythm and Beat
We also played a lot with the beat in music, and making rhythms inside the beat. 

Painting to the beat of marching music.

I love using the visual of raindrops and rainbows to teach short and long note rhythms. 
This idea came from the Playful Piano, and it works really well!

Short-short-short-long Art, inspired by the main rhythmic pattern in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

The Sounds of the Piano 
On the last day we celebrated what an amazing instrument the piano is- it's music can create so many different feelings and imagery. We listened to many different piano pieces, and used dance, art, storytelling, and movement to feel and experience the moods they create.

Favorites included making bees dance to "Flight of the Bumblebee"

And painting waterfalls to Jon Schmidt's "Waterfall."
 I made these mini foam piano keyboards for the kids, so they can keep playing with the piano at home.
My hope with these classes is to build background knowledge about essential musical skills in a playful and engaging way, so as to build attitude of excitement and fun toward playing an instrument in the future.

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