
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Book Love: Two Favorite Penguin Books

There are a lot of fun books out there about penguins, probably because they are such fun animals to learn about. This year, we spent most of our time with these two favorites.

A Penguin Story was a new book for me this year, but I instantly loved it and it's potential for connecting learning activities. It's part of what inspired our additional exploration of black and white while we thought about penguins. In the story, one penguin is determined to find a different color other than the black, white, and blue that makes up his world. I love that this book is imaginative, and yet brings in some informational aspects as well that you could explore further. For example, my students were really interested in the scientists- what they lived in and why they dressed a certain way. What a great opportunity for talking about what it might really be like to study penguins in Antarctica!

Extension Ideas: We created some artwork inspired by the penguins search for color. First we made penguins out of black paper and puffy paint, and then mounted them to blue paper.

Then later we created something colorful for the penguins to find, using a watercolor and salt process.

We also enjoyed a black, white, and blue sensory bin, made from ice, snow, and water beads.

Another favorite book that I love for both talking about penguins and about friendship is Penguin and Pinecone.  I've highlighted this book before with a different connection activity.
Extension Ideas: This year, I set out a table with some loose parts inspired by the book, including pinecones, yarn, rocks, and little pine trees. There were a lot of warmly wrapped pinecones and trees by the end of the day. :)

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