
Monday, March 13, 2017

Clouds + Rain

This month we have been exploring weather.

The first topic we focused on was clouds, which naturally lends itself to talking about rain as well.

Puffy Paint Cloud Art
We started this process with some fine motor work: straw cutting

Then we spread the puffy paint (shaving cream + glue)

And let it rain with our cut up straws.

 As a note: Although the puffy paint does contain glue, the straws didn't stick very well in this mixture once it dried. Extra glue might be needed to keep this look as a finished product. :)

Clouds Sensory Bin
Just cotton balls and blue rice
 After we'd had some time to explore this sensory bin, we used it to create our own rain bottles or rain sticks. I've tried DIY rainsticks before, and this has probably been my favorite. It's simple enough for the kids to put together completely on their own, and I love the visual of the clouds and the rain. 
(Inspiration found here)

We read a fun non-fiction book called Shapes in the Sky, and used styrofoam "clouds" for counting and making shapes.

 We also explored how the wind blows the clouds around. :)

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