
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Life Cycle Study, Part 3: Waiting for the Butterflies

While we waited for our butterflies to emerge, we explored the ways the caterpillars would need to change to become butterflies, like growing antennae and colorful wings. 

We used a chromatography process to think about "growing colors" and wings by drawing colorful circles on coffee filters, placing them in water, and watching the colors move and grow up through the filter. 

And then we made them into butterflies, along with some painted doilies we made as well. With one class, we tried to make butterflies with 4 wings to be like the real butterflies.

We have also been thinking about how butterflies and bees and other insects help the environment by pollinating flowers. 

Exploring Other Insects
We also continued to spend some time exploring other insects and how they help our world. 
We played this beehive game with alphabet letters. 

We did some insect painting. One class had weather that worked for painting outside, while the other class wasn't as lucky that day.

And we read a lot of Eric Carle books about insects to get ready for our butterfly art project inspired by his work. (More on that to come!)

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