
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Birthday Traditions in Preschool

We celebrated 3 birthdays during our first weeks of preschool this year, 
so it was perfect to jump right into a birthday theme during our second week of school. 

Over the years, I've tried to develop ways to involve my students in little birthday traditions that can help to make celebrating birthdays in class extra special. 

We painted birthday stars that hang in our classroom. Whenever a student has a birthday, we take their star down and turn it into a necklace that they can wear and take home. 

 This leads to some fun conversations through the year about whose birthday is coming up next, how many stars are left, etc.

Each class also painted a birthday cake that we will pull out on birthdays as part of our celebration. 

In the past I've used different birthday cakes that we also use in dramatic play for birthday celebrations, but I thought it would be fun this year to have the students help make the cakes. I LOVE how bright and colorful they turned are, and I poked holes in the top so we can put in pipe cleaner candles.

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