
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Exploring Shapes...and Friendship!

We wrapped up the month of September by exploring shapes, and how they are the same and different- just like all of our friends at preschool!

While reading the book Friendshape, we worked together to recreate some of the pictures from the book. 

There are a lot of fun ways to explore with shapes- 
a topic that we will continue to visit throughout the year.

We finished off the week by practicing some friendship skills with this simple high-five game from Teach Preschool. You just ask a friend to give you a high-five, and then fill in a finger on your recording sheet.

Simple invitations often lead to deeper interactions, like how these two started talking about and counting each other's fingers. :)

After a month of getting to know each other and exploring things together, I asked each class to come up with some rules or guidelines for being a good friend in preschool. I loved hearing what was important to them, and will use that understanding as the foundation for building up our community as we move forward this year!

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