
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Learning with Snow

January started out really dry, but we finally got a good snowstorm so that we could do some snowy winter activities.

Outdoor Play
We had a lot of snow out in the yard, which led to a lot of gross motor activities like shoveling and rolling balls for a "snowman city."

Snow Art and Sensory Play
My favorite thing to do in winter is to bring the snow inside to use as a learning tool. We used it for sensory play, science exploring, and art. 

For our art project, we ripped up pieces of bleeding tissue paper and then scooped snow on top to see what happened as it melted.

  The colors of the tissue paper started to bleed and mix together as the snow liquefied.  
We let them dry over a few days, and the melted snow and paper left behind some beautiful colors and designs.
To finish them off, we added some puffy paint to the designs. 

I was glad we had at least one good storm in January so that we could use real snow during our study of winter!

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