
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Book Love: Penguin and Pinecone

I thought Penguin and Pinecone by Salina Yoon was a perfect story for us as we've been discussing friendship, kindness, and love for Valentine's Day coming up.

It is a sweet story that in many ways mirrors young children's curiosity and imagination, as well as their ability to love and give whole-heartedly.

Read-Aloud Tip: I gathered up some pine cones for my class to hold and explore during the read-aloud, much in the same way Penguin does in the story. As the story went along, we also acted out some of the activities that Penguin and Pinecone do together.

Connection Activity - Craft: After the story, I helped the students to make their own friends out of the pine cones they chose. I used hot glue to put eyes and a heart on each one. Then one student suggested we make a scarf, like Penguin did in the book. So we also used yarn to make a little scarf.

The kids were pretty excited about their new pine cone friends. :)

Connection Activity - Social-Emotional Thinking: Later in the day, we revisited the story and the concept of friendship. Penguin did many things to give kindness and love to his new friend Pinecone. We talked about ways that we can be a kind and loving friend, and then each student drew a picture and told me something they could do.

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