
Friday, February 13, 2015

On the Felt Board: Hearts

My little guy seems to be learning and using new words every day now. It is so fun! As I mentioned in this post, one of my favorite words lately is "haaaa-ut!" (heart) There have been a lot of hearts around with Valentine's Day coming up, and it has been fun to watch him recognize the shape in different contexts.  After using these felt hearts in the preschool, I brought them up so he could play with them too.

I used the 5 big hearts to act out this finger play (found here) with my preschool students:

5 little valentines waiting in the store,
(Name) bought one and then there were four.
4 little valentines for you and me,
(Name) bought one and then there were three.
3 little valentines wondering what to do,
(Name) bought one and then there were two.
2 little valentines thinking up some fun,
(Name) bought one and then there was one.
1 little valentine said buy me and run!
(Name) bought one and then there was none. 

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