
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

From Chrysalis to Butterfly

On Monday morning I noticed a new little friend sitting on the bottom of our butterfly habitat. Our first butterfly! I was excited that there would be at least one butterfly for the preschool kids to see after the weekend.
Sadly, another butterfly tried to emerge on Monday as well, but something went wrong and it wasn't able to get its wings open. It looks like that one is not going to make it. :(

But the kids were really excited to see the first butterfly. We checked on the other 3 remaining chrysalides throughout the day, but didn't see any changes. Then at the end of the day, we saw that another butterfly had emerged! I was bummed that we missed it- I would have loved for the kids to see that step in the process first-hand.
About an hour after preschool was over, I just happened to notice that another chrysalis was transparent and had broken apart. It was fascinating to watch the butterfly climb out and then slowly stretch out its wings. I wished again that we had caught the moment in class earlier! But that's okay, we have 3 healthy butterflies and 1 chrysalis left, so we'll have plenty to observe and then set free during the next class. Overall, I'd say the timing worked out pretty perfectly for this activity- each week we've been able to observe a different stage of the butterfly life cycle.

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