
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Goodbye Butterflies!

Four of our five caterpillars successfully transformed into butterflies, and today we set them free!

But not before spending plenty of time in class watching them stretch their wings and flutter around the butterfly habitat.

This has been such a fun process to be involved in, and we all felt a little bit sad about letting the butterflies go today. But we've been learning about how butterflies can fly so high and so far, and how they carry pollen that helps the flowers keep growing...and they can't do that in our little cage.
So during outside time, we opened their cage and set them free. One butterfly was quick to flutter right out. I gently helped the rest one at a time in hopes that the kids could get another up-close look before they flew away.
It was exciting to watch them fly higher and higher until they were out of sight.

Goodbye Butterflies!

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